16 - 20. December. 2024
LAMP members (Hyun Wook, Yoonmoon, Hyo Geon) attended the HMnS 2024 conference in Hong Kong. Before and after the conference, they also had the opportunity to visit several renowned attractions in Hong Kong (Disney land). Hyun Wook has a presentation for Ni- and Mn-bearing martensitic steel for cryogenic application.

With Dirk !!

30. October. 2024
Yoonmoon and Hyo Joo received grand prizes for oral presentations in the fall conference of KIMM 2024.

28 - 30. October. 2024
We attend KIMM fall conference held in Pyeongchang.

5 - 10. October. 2024
LAMP members (Hyo Joo, Hyeju, and Prof. Han) attended the MS&T 2024 conference in Pittsburgh. Before and after the conference, they also had the opportunity to visit several renowned attractions in New York. During the conference, Prof. Choi (Kookmin University), Prof. Oh (University of Wisconsin-Madison), Prof. Im (Case Western Reserve University), and Prof. Han met for a collaborative discussion and dinner.

26. April, 24. May. 2024
Sokyun received two grand prizes for oral presentations in the spring conference of KIMM 2024 and KSHT 2024.

03. June. 2024
LAMP members have enjoyed watching movies at MEGABOX The BOUTIQUE PRIVATE!

25. April. 2024
Akkord members have a dinner party during KIMM spring conference held in Changwon

24 - 26. April. 2024
We attend KIMM spring conference held in Changwon

13 - 23. February. 2024
Prof. Han had a lecture on phase transformation at Hyundai Steel.

08. January. 2024
This video, introducing the major, has been produced by the Division of Materials Science and Engineering at Hanyang University, under the direction of Prof. Han.
06. January. 2024
We are hosting our first homecoming and New Year celebration party in Seongsu-dong.

27. November. 2023
LAMP has been designated as the 4th Hyundai Steel Research Lab, specializing in the development of innovative steels for cryogenic hydrogen environments and third-generation advanced high-strength steels. We extend our sincere gratitude for the generous support from Hyundai Steel.

19 - 23. November. 2023
Yoonmoon and Munsik received best poster awards of PRICM11 conference

19 - 23. November. 2023
We attend PRICM11 conference held in Jeju

International Young Metallurgist Dinner
25 - 27. October. 2023
We attend KIMM fall conference held in Daegu

18. October. 2023
Farewell dinner for Tak Min.

17. August. 2023
Big congratulations to Tak Min and Jung Jun on obtaining their PhD and master's degrees!

28. July. 2023
Dinner ceremony in Daejeon with congenial AKKORD members

01. June. 2023
Farewell dinner for Gwun Seong.

26. April. 2023
Prof. Han received a Young Scientist Award (신진학술상) from KIMM.

18 - 23. March. 2023
Before and after TMS conference, LAMP members had the opportunity to visit several famous attractions, including the Cabrillo National Monument Center, Universal Studios, Farmers Market, and Disneyland. Prof. Choi and her group members from Kookmin University, as well as Dr. Kim from Katech, also joined the group on these activities, creating enjoyable memories for all involved.

Cabrillo Nat. Monument Center
Universal Studio
Fun time with Prof. Choi (KMU), Dr. Kim (Katech)
Farmers Market
Philz Coffee
Griffith Observatory
18 - 23. March. 2023
LAMP participated in the TMS2023 conference held in San Diego, US. Mun Sik and Hyun Wook delivered oral presentations on their current research. In addition, Prof. Han had the opportunity to reconnect with previous colleagues from MPIE, including Prof. Raabe and Dr. Benzing. Moreover, Prof. Han engaged in fruitful discussions with Prof. Cha and Choi from Kookmin University, Dr. Lee from Virtual Lab, and Dr. Kim from Katech during the conference.

Prof. Han
Hyun Wook
Mun Sik
Prof. Han and Prof. Raabe (MPIE)
Prof. Han and Dr. Benzing (NIST)
San Diego beachfront
King Crab party
Dinner with Prof. Cha (KMU), Dr. Kim (Katech), Dr. Lee (Virtual Lab).
17. February. 2023
Big congratulations to Chae Young and Gwun Seong on obtaining their master's degrees!

11. February. 2023
KMU NSM Lab. and HYU LAMP have a first joint lab meeting at Hanyang Univ. After seminar, we have a dinner party.

10 - 13. January. 2023
LAMP attended the ASATM conference in Nanyang Technology Univ., Singapore.

28. October. 2022
Hyun Wook received a MOTIE minister award for Industry-University Project Challenge 2022. Live streaming is available on the YouTube.

28. October. 2022
Hyun Wook received a grand prize for oral presentation for PBL program of Korea Iron & Steel Association.

26 - 28. October. 2022
LAMP group members attended KIMM Fall conference held in Jeju.

25. August. 2022
We have a joint dinner with Prof. Sohn`s lab members (Korea Univ.).

1 - 12. August. 2022
Prof. Han gave a lecture on phase transformation at Hyundai Steel.

17 - 18. June. 2022
Chae Young received a grand prize for oral presentation in the spring conference of KSHT 2022.

20 - 26. May. 2022
We stayed in Munich, Germany before the conference and Salzburg, Austria after the conference owing to the flight schedule. It was a pleasure to see many beautiful places and we enjoyed having European dishes.
Munich, Germany

Munich city hall
Karls platz, Marien platz
Munich residenz
Salzburg, Austria

Mirabell palace
Salzach river
Residenz platz
Cafe Tomaselli (since 1703)
Schnitzel, Strobl-Stüberl
Salzburg view at the Hohensalzburg palace
20 - 26. May. 2022
LAMP attended the 5th HMnS conference in Voestalpine at Linz, Austria.

Danube river
29. April. 2022
Gwun Seong received a grand prize for oral presentation in spring conference of KIMM 2022.

07. December. 2021
Hyun Wook, Tak Min, and Mun Sik received a Young Steel Scientist Award at ASIA STEEL 2021 conference.

05. December. - 09. December. 2021
LAMP group members attended ASIA STEEL 2021 conference held in Gyeongju. After the conference program, we had a break time in Gyeongju.

01. December. 2021
Hyun Wook Lee received a grand prize for oral presentation for PBL program of Korea Iron & Steel Association. The presentation title was "Designing low-Ni martensitic steels with novel cryogenic impact toughness of 200 J".

22. October. 2021
Mun Sik Jeong and Chae Young Kim received a grand prize for poster presentation in fall conference of KIMM 2021. The presentation title was "Characterization of an Fe-Ni-Al-C alloy with excellent formability without heat treatment after cold rolling" and "Designing of ultrastrong lightweight maraging steel".

22. October. 2021
We have attended 2021 Fall KIMM conference held in Jeju island. Coffee time in Vadada cafe.

31. August. 2021
We enjoyed the first online symposium for AKKORD. AKKORD is "Alumni - Kreis - KORea - Deutschland: Materialwissenschaften", and Korean meaning is "한마음". The consortium is composed of 16 professors and doctors, who have experience of a post-doctoral fellowship or doctoral course in Germany (MPIE, RWTH Aachen, Karlsruhe Ins.). The dean of our consortium is Prof. Pyuck-Pa Choi (KAIST), and the general affairs are Prof. Jeongho Han (Hanyang Univ.), Jae Bok Seol (Gyeongsang Nat. Univ.), and Jee-Hyun Kang (Yeungnam Univ.). Today, six professors presented their research area and research instrument for future collaboration. We hope this consortium will develop further, and also hope for much more active collaboration.

04. May. 2021
Tak Min Park is selected as a recipient for Basic Science Research Program for Ph.D course students (박사과정생연구장려금지원사업). He will receive research funding from NRF for 2 years. The research topic is hydrogen embrittlement of medium-Mn steels.
06. November. 2020
Hyun Wook Lee and Mun Sik Jeong received a grand prize for poster presentation in fall conference of KIMM 2020. Presentation title was "Investigation on the Applicability of Intermetallic Precipitation in Medium Mn Steel to Improve Impact Toughness" and "Recovering the Ductility of Medium-Mn Steel by Restoring the Original Microstructure".

25. February. 2020
Prof. Han is selected as a 2019 Outstanding Reviewer of Acta Materialia.

27. September. 2019
POSCO Chungam foundation announced the results of selection for POSCO Science Fellowship by 27. September. Prof. Han is selected as a fellowship for metallurgical engineering.
1. September. 2019
We moved to Hanyang University.
8. May. 2019
Professor Dierk Raabe visited KAIST for seminar. The faculty member of KAIST and Prof. J. Han have a great dinner and discussion.

18. November. - 21. November. 2018
Our lab. member has attended the ICAS2018 conference in Jeju island. During the meeting, we had many fruitful discussions with MPIE colleagues (Dr. Dirk Ponge, Mr. Aniruddha Dutta, Dr. Binhan Sun) about medium Mn steel research. After the conference, we have looked around some beautiful place of Jeju, and have a great farewell dinner.

16. July. - 03. August. 2018
Prof. Han visited MPIE and Leibneiz institute in Germany for collaboration.

09-13. July. 2018
We have participated in the Thermec2018 conference held in Paris. Tak Min Park and Min Tae Kim presented two posters and Prof. Han had an invited oral presentation.

03. May. 2018
Tak Min Park received a grand prize for oral presentation in spring conference of KIMM 2017. Presentation title was "Enhanced resistance of H embrittlement in TWIP steel by partial recrystallization technique."

31. October. 2017
Prof. Han visited the Prof. Hidetoshi Fujii group in "Joining and Welding Research Institute (JWRI)" of Osaka University for the invited seminar and future collaboration.